Camden County Insurance Commission

Camden County Insurance Commission

2021 Resolutions


1-21 Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Excess Insurance for Camden County Department of Police Services
2-21 Plan of Risk Management
3-21 2021 Meeting Schedule
4-21 January Bill List
5-21 January Closed Session
6-21 Certifying the Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
7-21 Appointing Agent for Service of Process for the Commission for the Term of One Year
8-21 Designating Custodian of Commission Records
9-21 Designating Official Newspaper for the Commission
10-21 Cash Management Plan
11-21 Designating Commission Treasurer
12-21 Designating Commission Attorney
13-21 Designating Authorized Signatures for Commission Bank Accounts
14-21 Indemnifying Officials-Employees
15-21 Authorizing Commission Treasurer to Process Contracted Payments and Expenses
16-21 February Bill List
17-21 February Supplement Bill List
18-21 February Closed Session
19-21 March Bills List
20-21 March Closed Session
21-21 Settlement Angel Camacho
22-21 Settlement Michael Romsteadt
23-21 Settlement Jacob Sidwa
24-21 Settlement Harry Walton
25-21 Revised 2021 Plan of Risk Management
26-21 April Bills List 2021
27-21 April Closed Session
28-21 Authorizing Award of Contracts, Legal Defense Panel
29-21 May Bills List
30-21 May Closed Session
34-21 Revised Plan of Risk Management
35-21 June Bills List
36-21 June Closed Session
37-21 July Bills List
38-21 July Supplemental Bills List
39-21 July Closed Session
44-21 Authorizing Award of Contracts, Pursuant to a Publicly Advertised Request for Proposals, by and Between the Camden County Commission and Various Law Firms for Inclusion is the Legal Defense Panel